MVLC Member Databases
Merrimac Library is part of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC). As a MVLC member library card holder, you may access high-quality local, state, and regionally funded databases of full-text periodicals, health and business resources, biographical and literary databases from home.
Select a database below. When prompted, input your 14-digit MVLC member library patron bar code and begin searching! This will initiate a 2-hour cookie session. After this time period, you will be required to enter your bar code again.
If you do not have a MVLC member library card, please contact your library.
- Freading: A new look at ebook lending
- Freading is a free eBook download service available to library cardholders, offering tens of thousands of titles. Freading has its own apps for the iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. It is also compatible with the Kindle Fire, Nook, and Kobo e-readers.
- MVLC Digital Downloads (Powered by Overdrive)
- Overdrive downloads are available in these file types: Kindle Books, Adobe EPUB eBooks, OverDrive WMA Audiobooks, and OverDrive MP3 Audiobooks.
- Novelist
- Novelist is a free reading recommendation service available to library cardholders. It helps readers of all ages find the fiction they will love, and features: read-alike recommendations for every title, author, and series, as well as book discussion guides, and book lists by themes.
Encyclopædia Britannica
- Online Public Library Edition
- Online Public Library Edition: Kids
- Online School Edition
- Elementary School Edition
- Middle School Edition
- High School Edition
- Learning Zone
- Spanish Edition: Escolar (K-8)
- Spanish Edition: Moderna (9-12)
Magazines / Journals / Newspapers / Books / Research
- EBSCOhost databases and discovery technologies are the most-used, premium online information resources for tens of thousands of institutions worldwide, representing millions of end-users. Databases include:
- NoveList
- GreenFile
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
- Teacher Reference Center
- EBSCOhost Research Databases
- US Newsstream
- US Newsstream enables users to search current and extensive backfiles of U.S. news content and features top newspapers, wires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and news sites in full-text format. Key U.S. titles include:
- The New York Times (backfile from 1980 forward)
- The Wall Street Journal (from 1984 forward)
- Washington Post (from 1987 forward)
- Los Angeles Times (from 1985 forward)
- Chicago Tribune (from 1985 forward)
- The Boston Globe (from 1980 forward)
- Newsday (from 1995 forward)
- The Wall Street Journal Online
- ProPublica
- Huffington Post
- CNN Newswires
- Politico
Gale Cengage, Inc.
- Full suite of Gale databases
- Academic OneFile
- General OneFile
- Biography In Context
- Books and Authors
- Business Insights: Essentials
- Contemporary Literary Criticism Select
- Criminal Justice Collection
- Culinary Arts Collection
- Educator's Reference Complete
- Environmental Studies and Policy Collection
- Expanded Academic ASAP
- Gale Virtual Reference Library eBooks Custom Links
- Gale Virtual Reference Library Basic Search
- Gardening, Landscape and Horticulture Collection
- General BusinessFile ASAP
- General Reference Center Gold
- Global Issues in Context
- Health and Wellness Resource Center
- Health Reference Center Academic
- Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection
- InfoTrac K-12 Junior Edition
- InfoTrac K-12 Student Edition
- Kids InfoBits
- Literature Resource Center
- Massachusetts History Online
- New York Times, The
- Nursing and Allied Health Collection
- Nursing Resource Center
- Opposing Viewpoints In Context
- Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Collection
- Science In Context
- U.S. History in Context
- World History In Context
- Vocations & Careers Collection
Special Collections
- OCLC WorldCat (OCLC Online Union Catalog)
- Over 46 million bibliographic records and holdings information vital for collection development, cataloging, authority control, and retrospective conversion services.
- Massachusetts Manuscripts, Archives & Special Collections
- The Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections Directory profiles collections in more than 650 Massachusetts libraries, archives, historical societies and town clerk’s offices.
This service is provided to the residents of Massachusetts through state funding administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Massachusetts Library System.